Saturday, 10 December 2016

Mini Meditation Magic

Meditation Guru Venugopal

Namaste awesome friends,

Today I will tell you a very simple meditation fact it’s a mini meditation technique. Practice this regularly and you will feel a whole new experience in your life moving you smoothly towards your goals.

Visualization is a very powerful technique that can be practiced to train your mind to focus on exactly what you want in is essentially training your Reticular Activation System to focus on the opportunities that are right in front of your eyes, but which your mind won’t pick up. The more you visualize about the outcome, the more closer you get to your goal.

When you visualize regularly, changes occur in your brain, new neural pathways are formed leading to manifesting exactly what you are aspiring. So what is this simple mini meditation magic all we go.

Mini Meditation Magic – the technique:

In a day, whenever you drink water, first sit comfortably (Ayurveda suggests that drinking water in sitting posture is best for health) and close your eyes. Drink water slowly (avoid gulping down). As the water goes down slowly, visualize as if your goal is already achieved and you are enjoying the water going down the throat, feeling the happiness & contentment on achievement of your goal.

If your goal is to lose weight, visualize as if you are drinking water while chatting with your friends, telling them happily, how easily you lost the fat. If your goal is to buy your dream home, visualize as if you are enjoying the water sitting in your dream home sharing joyful moments with your family and friends.

When you regularly visualize these happy moments, while enjoying water, your subconscious picks up the feelings and form a pattern to be imprinted on your brain and new neural pathways are created. These pathways get stronger when you repeat the visualization daily and manifest them into your life.
It’s that simple but very powerful.

By repeating this practice regularly:

1. New neural pathways are created in your brain that will help you to get close to your goals.

2. As you visualize, your brain attains the meditative level and helps in release of Serotonin, the chemical responsible for your happiness.

3. As you practice this every time you drink water, strong belief patterns are imprinted on your subconscious which is the store house of your willpower.

4. Hydrating body when the mind is at a meditative level has a major effect on energy levels and brain function.

5. Regular intake of water helps in relieving fatigue, treats headaches, helps in digestion, aids weight loss and flushes out toxins.

To learn powerful Meditation & Yogic techniques, call us at 98843 30309 / 98843 30308 / 78717 82824 / 9962118788.

Karya Sidhi / Amruthaghadiya / Amruthabhashini / Amruthadhwani / Laya Vinyaasam.

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