Thursday, 10 May 2018

Sakthidhara Samasthithi Dhyanam (Energy balance meditation):

Meditation Guru Venugopal

With profound gratitude to my Guru Dr.Sujatha.
Sakthidhara Samasthithi Dhyanam / Energy Balance Meditation
The whole universe is made up of energy and this energy vibrates at different frequencies. We are all made up of energy and the frequency at which we vibrate results in our experiencing health, happiness and power to manifest on one end of the spectrum to disease, struggle and unhappiness at the other end. By balancing the flow of energy in the body, we can improve our vibrational frequency to achieve a state of bliss, health and prosperity which is the ultimate purpose of our life.
Our thoughts are a fine of form of energy which we can leverage to manifest. When we want to achieve something (happiness, health, prosperity...whatever we need), we first create it in the mental plane, in the form of a thought. This is the blueprint which magnetizes and directs the energy to flow into it and manifest in the physical form. By practicing the energy balance meditation, we can raise our vibrational frequency to have a clear mind (where healing takes place). This altered state of consciousness is the most beneficial to manifest health, happiness and prosperity.
The Technique:
Sit comfortably (either in a chair or on the ground using a mat or a cushion) in your favourite place and close your eyes. Keep your hands on the lap and bring the thumb, index and the middle finger and touch gently (the Akanksha mudra).
Take five deep breathings. Inhale slowly through the nose and exhale even slowly through the mouth (as we learned in Shanti Pranayama). Always remember to take more time to breathe out than breathe in. This will immediately calm down your mind as the prefrontal cortex is relaxed.

Imagine a beautiful violet / purple color circle of energy one foot above your head. From this circle, imagine a powerful ray of light entering into your head, The moment it touches your head, you feel a powerful sensation throughout your body. Feel this ray of light is gently spreading throughout your body and the more it spreads, the more you feel the electrical sensation throughout. At this moment you are experiencing that all the toxins and the negative energy in the body is getting dissolved with the power of the light penetrating into the body and it is coming out when you are breathing out. Relax. Breathe in. Breathe out slowly. The ray of light is now filled throughout your body completely dissolving the negative energy and you are definitely feeling it. Your system is now totally cleared of the negativity. Positive energy is completely spread and balanced in the body and you are feeling more energized and rejuvenated.
Now, imagine a circle of energy at a distance of one foot from the center of your chest, back, and both the hands and below the legs. Now picture an energy cord connecting the circle of energy from the head to circles in front of the chest, back and both the hands. Similarly imagine another energy cord connecting the circle of energy from below the legs to the circles in front of the chest, back and sides of the hands. Now all the energy circles are connected to one another by the energy cord and it forms a perfect oxyhedron and you are now sitting inside this most powerful energy field. Stay in this level as long as you wish. The vibrations you are feeling is the proof that you are now completely energy balanced and protected inside this field.
At your convenience, gently open your eyes. The potent rays will perfectly balance the energy giving you a definite feeling of rejuvenation, healing and restoring the vital energy balances throughout the body.

By practicing Sakthidhara Samasthithi Dhyanam (Energy balance meditation) regularly (as I always say at least 21 days consecutively):
1.You will see distinct changes throughout the body in terms of feeling energized, healthy, happy and excited as the immune system and all the energy chakras in the body are stimulated.  
2.The cosmic energy helps to fight auto immune diseases. The energy pattern formed around you protects you wherever you go.
3.Tranquility of the mind is achieved by practicing this meditation and results in enhancing the problem solving abilities.
4.Stability of moods and emotions are seen as soon as the practice begins resulting in healing all psychological issues like anxiety, irritability and depression.
5.Energy balanced in the body results in regulating the blood flow, balances the blood pressure levels and improves the cardio vascular health.
6.Regular practice lowers the cortisol levels in the body eliminating the risk of stress & stress related maladies.
7.  It also increases a sense of well-being, promoting a state of perfect happiness and understanding.
Meditation Guru Venugopal.
To learn powerful Meditation & Yogic techniques, call us at 98843 30309 / 98843 30308 / 78717 82824 / 9962118788.
Karya Sidhi / Amruthaghadiya / Amruthabhashini / Amruthadhwani / Laya Vinyaasam.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Hrudaya Spandana Dhyanam - Healing Heart Meditation:

Meditation Guru Venugopal  


Pranams to my guru Dr.Sujatha.

Namaste brothers and sisters. Today we will perform a very powerful meditation technique that will change the course of your life - Hrudaya Spandana Dhyanam - the healing heart meditation.

Heart is the seat of Love, Compassion, Kindness and Forgiveness. Being aware about how it feels is a way to connect with our authentic self.

Very often we tend to forget the basic emotions we feel. They are nothing but a communication from our heart about what we are going through in our life. It can be about our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Our lives have changed so much; we are dragging ourselves through an excruciatingly painful day after day...unaware that we are under stress. You will more than agree with me if I say “we are breathing in stress and breathing out disease & disorders”.

Meditation helps in naturally shifting from the stressful state (fight or flight) to a relaxed state by switching off the sympathetic and switching on the parasympathetic nervous system thereby triggering the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin which help to de-stress & behave calmly in stressful situations.

Hrudaya Spandana - Healing Heart Meditation – the technique:

Sit comfortably in your favorite place and close your eyes. Keep your hands on your lap in Gnyan or yoga mudra (gently touch the index finger and the thumb).Take five deep breathings. Inhale slowly through the nose and exhale even slowly through the mouth (as we use in Shanti Pranayama). Be aware to breathe out more slowly and focus fully on it.  You will start feeling a lot more relaxed now. Start breathing normally with inhale and exhale through the nose.

Keep your left hand on your heart. Feel the emotions of your heart. It will communicate with you about how it is can be positive or negative but it is a true reflection of the emotions you have stored in the dark corners of your heart.  Listen to it without any judgement. Don’t edit it. Just feel it. It will guide you. Stay here for a few minutes and pay attention to your feelings.
Gently thank your heart for the valuable communication. With a smile on your face, take deep breathings again...inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Feel the relaxation waves vibrating throughout the body.

Practice the healing heart meditation for 21 days continuously to witness a complete transformation in your life.

When you practice it regularly:

1.You will see a perfect balance in your moods and emotions. You will start respecting your true feelings and they will guide you to complete peace of mind.

2.Stress levels come down as the level of cortisol, the stress hormone is constantly reduced and you will be in total control of your life.

3.Deep breathing slows down the heart rate, dilates blood vessels and blood pressure drops down to normal.

4.Brain releases important neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin responsible for love, bonding and compassion thereby strengthening the immune system.

5.Activates the heart chakra (Anahata) facilitating the free flow of energy and resulting in a relaxed heart, mind, body and soul.

So, from today let us change for good, let us start practicing the “Healing Heart Meditation”. A very simple but powerful technique, it can be practiced by everyone to see & feel the transformation.

To learn powerful Meditation & Yogic techniques, call us at 98843 30309 / 98843 30308 / 78717 82824 / 9962118788.

Karya Sidhi / Amruthaghadiya / Amruthabhashini / Amruthadhwani / Laya Vinyaasam.